Brazil - Bahia: Manufacturer
Trade Leads
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Welcome to Zimba website.

Zimba Sales Marketing Group

Zimba Sales Marketing Group, is a Sales
and Marketing Representatives

Company formed by Leonard Davis and
Romina Sandra in 2000. With over 20
Of selling experience, Leonard Sales
Marketing Group has grown into a
company producing over $50 million in
Our Executives Our primary objective is
to attract quality buyers and
advertisement strategy, we are
aggressive representation of any
company products to our key retailers in
South America and Africa.

We seek to build long-term relationships
with our vendors and to maximize the
sales potential with each retail account.

Our knowledge of each retail account's
systems, policies, and business
environment gives

YOU, the manufacturer or distributor,
the leading edge and best opportunity
for success.

We are regularly Selling: solution for marketin, marketing representativ, strategic planning, organizatio, business intelligenc, sales management, building relationship, systems management, networking.

We are regularly Buying: solution for marketin, marketing representativ, strategic planning, organizatio, business intelligenc, sales management, building relationship, systems management, networking.

Main Business Activities
Food - Others

Brazil Companies Brazil


From time to time we are sending out newsletters about our products / promotions to our existing and future clients. If you would like to be informed, please signup below.
Your E-Mail Address:

Announce your company, products and trade leads. Contact both global and local exporters, importers and manufacturers.
Phone: 55-87-56475769     
Copyright © 2025 Zimba
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